How to use Conwy's online mapping system
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Understanding search results
When you have performed a search for either an address or council facilities you will be presented with results, these will always appear on a ‘slide out’ panel on the right hand side of the map window.
Screenshot of results pane
  1. Hide results panel button
  2. Close results button
  3. Minimise results button
  4. The first line of each result is underlined, clicking on this will perform a ‘Go to result (zoom and position)’ action.
  5. Go to result (position only)
  6. Further information (if available)
  7. Go to result (zoom and position)
‘Hiding’ the results panel will make the results pane slide back out to the right of the map window, to ‘un-hide’ the results click on the small button in the top right hand side of the map window.
Screenshot showing hidden results pane
  1. Unhide hidden results panel

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