How to use Conwy's online mapping system
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Additional map functions
Using the Map functions menu additional actions are available, these include;
Screenshot of additional map functions menu
  1. The system will remember the last few positions of the map, this button allows you to go back to these positions.
  2. If you have used the Previous view button to return to the previous map position then the Next view button will move forward through the map positions.
  3. Resets the map to the extents of the county but leaves any current searches still visible (subject to magnification restrictions).
  4. Removes any current searches.
  5. Resets the map to the extents of the county and removes any current search results.
  6. Prints the current map to either an A4 Portrait or Landscape PDF.
  7. This will email a link of the current map, including any open searches, to another person.
  8. Saves the current map to either a PNG or JPG image file.
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