How to use Conwy's online mapping system
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Finding council facilities
This menu is where you will be able to find a number of types of council information. Rather than have one large list, information has been categorised into smaller lists. If a menu item has an arrow to it's right hand side it means that additional lists (or search options) are available. Please note that these lists will change over time as Conwy enhances the system but the fundamental approach used will be the same.
Screenshot of find council facilities menu
In the above image you can see that Planning Applications can be found under The Local Environment option. Planning Applications also have a number of search options available, these are 'greyed out' in this image because they are only available at certain levels of magnification.
An example of finding council facilities
For this example we’ll look at finding a Councillor.

Click on the ‘Find Council facilities’ menu and then move you cursor over the Democracy option, move your cursor to the right and select the Councillors option, this will display the ‘Find a councillor’ box as shown below;
Screenshot of find a councillor dialog box
You next need to tell the map how you would like to search for a councillor, this is done by clicking on the box that says ‘Please select...’, the following options will displayed;
Screenshot of search options menu
The same principal applies to all council facility searches in that there will be a number of search options available for each category of facility.

The results that are available for each council facility will differ as this is dependant on how much information is available for that facility at that point in time. It is envisaged that the amount of information available will increase as the system develops.
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