How to use Conwy's online mapping system
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Zooming in and out
In the top left of the map window you will find the zoom controls, these consists of;
Screenshot showing zoom controls
  1. Zoom In button
  2. Zoom slider
  3. Zoom Out button
  4. Zoom to rectangle button
Clicking the Zoom in or out buttons will move the map to the next defined zoom level higher, or lower, than your current view. The zoom slider allows you to click and drag the slider up and down the range of available zoom levels. Clicking on the zoom to a defined area button allows you to draw a rectangle on the map to which the map will zoom to.
Please note that as well as using the zoom controls, if available, you can the use the mouse wheel for zooming in and out.
Important Note
Please be aware that zooming in or out too many levels in one go may cause the system to slow down and in some circumstances freeze.
Moving round the map
The default action for the map is 'Pan'. When in pan mode the mouse cursor looks like a vertical cross with arrow heads at each end, like this;
Image of on-screen mouse cursor when in pan mode
When in pan mode you can also double click the left mouse button, this will make the map zoom in to the next predetermined zoom level, re-centring the map on the cursor position when you double clicked.
When the Overview window is displayed, if you move the mouse cursor over the window it will change to a sold vertical cross like this;
Image of on-screen mouse cursor when in the overview window
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